While Valentines Day may be the celebration of our love, April Fools day might be more of a test of our love. Thank heavens Justin and I are getting married only days before April Fools day so he'll be stuck with me... before I show my love for April Fools Day.
Growing up in the Chandler household was the kind of heart warming, loving childhood experience that everyone hopes for. I am very blessed. But on April Fools day, it's a free for all that would make luchadors tremble in fear.
Patches. He's one of the best dogs in the world |
We've done so many more dramatic pranks, but I'm afraid you would get tired of reading all of them. So instead, I give you a link to a blog that lists some April Fools tricks... we've done all but a few of these in my family.
So Justin, you should consider yourself one lucky duck that we will be on our honeymoon on April Fools. It will be much harder to play a prank when I'm in unknown territory. Beware, fresh meat, April Fools Day is one of my favorite holidays...
Welcome to the Chandlers, Justin!