Friday, December 14, 2012

Relevant Christmas Songs

Living in Columbus has been nothing short of a blessing but I will admit, I can't wait to be back in Utah for Christmas. Living so far from my family and from what Christmas is supposed to look like makes me think of a few Christmas songs that have more meaning to them this year than they did before.

#1 White Christmas

Who says it better than Bing Crosby? There is no snow in Columbus. It comes and goes within an hour. That is NOT Christmas! Snow during December, balmy happiness the rest of the year.

#2 I'll Be Home for Chirstmas

I get to go home for Christmas! Going home for Christmas makes the season even more exciting in my opinion.

#3 All I Want for Christmas

Um.. this might be weird but Henry our pooch can't come with us for Christmas. I want him to come with us but it would be too crazy of a schedule to bring him and this is the only song that sort of portrays my feelings. OK, really I just like this song. Can't survive the season without a little Mariah Carey.

#4 I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

No, I don't. It's just a funny song.